El Archivo de Seguridad Nacional: documentos desclasificados de EE.UU. sobre Vladimiro Montesinos - conocido como "Rasputín de Fujimori" y Keiko Sofia Fujimori - CityBank The National Security Archive: declassified U.S. documents on Vladimiro Montesinos – referred to as “Fujimori’s Rasputin.” and Keiko Sofia Fujimori
The National Security Archive: declassified U.S. documents on Vladimiro Montesinos – referred to as “Fujimori’s Rasputin.”
El Archivo de Seguridad Nacional: documentos desclasificados de EE.UU. sobre Vladimiro Montesinos - conocido como "Rasputín de Fujimori".
Keiko Sofia Fujimori Higuchi & CITIBANK
For more information contact:
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Fujimori & Montesinos |
El Archivo de Seguridad Nacional: documentos desclasificados de EE.UU. sobre Vladimiro Montesinos - conocido como "Rasputín de Fujimori".
Keiko Sofia Fujimori Higuchi & CITIBANK
For more information contact:
Tamara Feinstein
(202) 994-7219 / tfeins7i@gwu.edu
El 22 de noviembre 2000: Con motivo de la renuncia de Alberto Fujimori de su cargo como Presidente del Perú, del National Security Archive, una organización no gubernamental Centro de documentación de la política exterior en la Universidad George Washington, ha publicado en la World Wide Web una colección de desclasificados EE.UU. documentos de Vladimiro Montesinos - ". Fujimori Rasputín" denominado Los documentos demuestran que ya en octubre de 1990, EE.UU. Los analistas de inteligencia del ejército ya estaban refiriéndose a Fujimori como "en el bolsillo del Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional (Servicio Inteligencia Nacional-SIN) , "y como" particularmente influenciado por Vladimiro Montesinos. "En un informe titulado" ¿Quién es quién Control "oficiales peruanos de alto nivel del ejército describe a los analistas de inteligencia de EE.UU. esta" extraordinaria ... situación en la que el aparato de inteligencia es, en efecto que ejecuta el Estado. "Estas observaciones iniciales son de particular importancia, ya que la crisis presidencial actual se deriva directamente de escándalos que rodean a Montesinos, quien según se informa en la clandestinidad en algún lugar de Perú mientras Fujimori envió su renuncia desde Japón.
Keiko Sofia Fujimorri Higuchi & CITIBANK
... abriu la Srta. Keiko Sofia Fujimori Higuchi en el CITIBANK NA, Sucursal Lima. Los restantes US$80,000.00 que completan el monto del precitado ...
... Fujimori a su hija Keiko Fujimori Higuchi, seg'n declara esta 'ltima ante la Comisiun Investigadora. El Depusito a Plazo Fijo por US$247,375.00 que ...
... favor de la Srta. Keiko Fujimori Higuchi en el CITIBANK NA, Sucursal Lima, fue renovado hasta en tres oportunidades. Dicho depusito fue cancelado ...
... por la Srta. Keiko Sofia Fujimori Hguchi , se verifica que Alberto Fujimori Fujimori habrna invertido un total de US$ 93,092.65 en los ...
... rygimen de Alberto Fujimori y Vladimiro Montesinos y estos antecedentes. La corrupcion llego a un alto nivel de sofistificaciun y consiguiu usar al ...
... DE ALBERTO FUJIMORI Y VLADIMIRO MONTESINOS I.- VIOLACIONES DE DERECHOS HUMANOS La Comisiun ha podido constatar, en base a reiteradas y ...
... se beneficiaron Fujimori y Montesinos. Las mismas personas que dirignan el grupo que realizaban ejecuciones extrajudiciales, desapariciones y ...
... creada por Fujimori y Montesinos y era perfectamente funcional a los otros ilncitos penales que realizaban. Aun falta investigar a ...
... y Alberto Fujimori. Todas estas circunstancias nos lleva a concluir que el ex Presidente Alberto Fujimori instauru una polntica sistembtica ...
Document 1: U.S. Embassy (Lima) Cable, FY-76 IV Nomination, January 8, 1976, Unclassified, 3 pp.
The U.S. Embassy in Lima formally nominates Vladimiro Montesinos for an International Visitors’ Leader Grant, and lists his qualifications, past positions in government and the army, educational background and proposed itinerary for trip to the United States. Montesinos was originally recommended to the Ambassador by Yale Professor Alfred Stepan, “who considered him most theoretically sophisticated of young military officers in national security doctrine.” The Embassy describes Montesinos as “bright,” “articulate,” and of “considerable leadership potential,” and affirms belief that his visit to the United States will “greatly increase Montesinos’ appreciation of U.S. realities and will serve our objectives for IV Program.” Montesinos had been nominated for this travel grant since 1974. He later travels under this grant to the United States in September of 1976, but fails to receive permission from his superiors.
Document 2: U.S. Embassy (Lima) Cable, Detention of Vladimiro Montesinos, April 4, 1977, Secret, 4 pp.
This cable, signed by U.S. Ambassador Robert W. Dean, describes the events leading up to the detention of “valued Embassy contact” Vladimiro Montesinos by the Peruvian Investigations Police Seguridad del Estado Unit. It describes that Montesinos was arrested, tried and cashiered from the army after returning from a trip to the United States, for which he failed to receive permission. He was apprehended after his final charges by the police and continues to be held incommunicado. Montesinos asks (via his lawyer) that Ambassador Dean intervene on his behalf. He also asks his family to write various persons in the U.S., including State Department official Luigi Einaudi. On March 31, 1977, Ambassador Dean brings up the issue with Foreign Minister de la Puente and receives a reaction of disbelief. Dean later comments that the “case” against Montesinos goes far beyond infractions of international travel regulations. Dean notes that Montesinos was in key sensitive positions, is probably in possession of a great deal of inside information, and has obviously made personal and ideological enemies.
Document 3: U.S. Embassy (Lima) Cable, Detention of Vladimiro Montesinos, April 7, 1977, Secret, 2 pp.
This cable reports that Montesinos is no longer being held incommunicado and has access to his family and lawyer. Montesinos claims that Army Chief of Staff General Pedro Richter authored a report listing him as a liaison between high Peruvian government officials and the U.S. State Department and passed information “prejudicial to state security” to the State Deparment. U.S. Ambassador Dean comments that Montesinos has been in contact with the Embassy for four to five years and that “the embassy assumed during that time that Montesinos must have been acting at least partially on behalf and with the knowledge of his superiors including Agricultural Minister Gallegos and Prime Minister Fernandez Maldonado.”
November 22, 2000: To mark the resignation of Alberto Fujimori from his post as President of Peru, the National Security Archive, a non-governmental foreign policy documentation center at George Washington University, today posted on the World Wide Web a collection of declassified U.S. documents on Vladimiro Montesinos – referred to as “Fujimori’s Rasputin.” The documents show that as early as October 1990, U.S. army intelligence analysts were already referring to Fujimori as “in the hip pocket of the National Intelligence Service (Servicio Inteligencia Nacional –SIN),” and as “particularly influenced by Vladimiro Montesinos.” In a report titled “Who is Controlling Whom” high-level Peruvian army officers described to U.S. intelligence analysts this “extraordinary…situation in which the intelligence apparatus is in effect running the state.” These early remarks are of particular note, since the current presidential crisis stems directly from scandals surrounding Montesinos, who is reportedly in hiding somewhere in Peru while Fujimori sent in his resignation from Japan. Update
May 10, 2001: The National Security Archive recently received responses to FOIA requests we sent out earlier this year on Vladimiro Montesinos. These new documents focus on Montesinos’ early career and links with the United States in the 1970s. These documents deal with the unauthorized trip to the United States that Montesinos made in September 1976 and his later arrest, detention and cashiering from the army in 1977.
Another new document focuses on the aftermath of the failed November 1992 coup attempt made by the military against President Fujimori. The document alleges that Montesinos supervised and participated in torture sessions attempting to force coup plotters to name opposition politicians as co-conspirators.
The documents posted today were obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests made by journalist Jeremy Bigwood, who earlier this year donated them to the Archive. These documents shed some light on Montesinos’ involvement in human rights violations and corruption scandals, but also demonstrate the amount of information being currently withheld on this subject by the U.S. government. According to Peter Kornbluh, who analyzes Latin America at the Archive, the Clinton Administration "could, and should, make a major contribution to the truth of Montesinos’s career, as well as to the future of Peruvian democracy, by expeditiously declassifying the U.S. holdings on Montesinos." Kornbluh said that U.S. agencies have vast amounts of secret documentation that would serve as essential evidence in any proceedings against Montesinos for human rights abuses and graft. The Archive, which has led campaigns to declassify secret U.S. documents on Guatemala, Chile, El Salvador and elsewhere in Latin America, said it would press for full disclosure of hundreds of U.S. records on Montesinos, including CIA documents on covert relations with President Fujimori's disgraced intelligence chieftain. The Archive is set to file dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests on Montesinos and his ties to the United States.
An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at the George Washington University, the Archive collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The Archive won the 1999 George Polk Award, one of U.S. journalism’s top prizes, for – in the words of the citation – “piercing the self-serving veils of government secrecy, guiding journalists in search for the truth and informing us all.” The Archive’s recent campaigns on Guatemala and Chile have led to the declassification of tens of thousands of documents. In the case of Guatemala, these document were used to support the work of the human rights investigations of the U.N. Historical Clarification Commission (CEH).
(There are more documents in the Peru collection available at our offices. For further information, please contact Tamara Feinstein, Research Associate for the Peru Project, at (202) 994-7219 or tfeins7i@gwu.edu.)
Document 1: Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center, Counterintelligence Periodic Summary [Extract], Who is Controlling Whom?, October 23, 1990, Secret, 3 pp.
This document written at the beginning of President Fujimori’s administration, already implies that Vladimiro Montesinos is controlling the government. It reports that Montesinos first ingratiated himself to Fujimori by defending Mrs. Fujimori in a court case revolving around shady real estate deals and that he provided advice to Fujimori on how to conduct his presidential campaign. According to the document, a group of retired military officers have already come forward to highlight the dangers of Montesinos’ influence. These generals insist that, “the Peruvian CIA cannot dominate the Peruvian state,” and imply the army might “intervene and ‘decapitate’ the intelligence structure at some point.”
Document 2: Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center, Counterintelligence Periodic Summary [Extract], Peru: Does Fujimori’s Unofficial Advisor Control the Peruvian National Intelligence Community?, July 27, 1991, Secret, 3 pp.
While Fujimori insists Montesinos is merely his personal legal advisor, Montesinos is clearly more than that. This document suggests that Montesinos has influenced high presidential appointments in the civilian and military sectors of the government. In addition, this report notes that Peruvian General Luis Palomino Rodriguez warned the U.S. defense attaché that Montesinos had intentions to frustrate U.S-Peruvian counter-drug efforts.
Document 3:
May 10, 2001 Origin Unknown, Peru: Military Unease Growing, December 23, 1992, Classification Unknown, 1 pp.
The Department of Defense’s Joint Intelligence Command released this document on April 5, 2001 in response to a FOIA request made by Jeremy Bigwood. This document focuses on the aftermath of the failed November 1992 coup attempt made by the military against President Fujimori. The document reveals growing discontent within the military over the treatment of the coup plotters. The Peruvian Army appears “rife” with rumors that several coup plotters have been tortured and have been transferred to the civilian prison “Canto Grande”, due to fears that armed forces sympathizers would help them escape if they were placed in military prison. Vladimiro Montesinos reportedly supervised torture sessions attempting to force coup plotters to name opposition politicians as co-conspirators, and he is accused of delivering some of the blows himself. The document notes that while the Army has officially denied torture allegations, “the use of torture is plausible.”
Document 4: U.S. Embassy (Lima) Cable, Army General Denies Providing Information on La Cantuta to Robles, June 1, 1993, Secret, 5 pp.
General Rodolfo Robles Espinoza, once the third most powerful man in the Peruvian army, based part of his claims that General Commander of the Army Nicolás de Bari Hermoza Rios and Montesinos were involved in the creation and operation of a death squad on alleged conversations with one time head of the Army Intelligence Directorate, General Willy Chirinos. According to Robles, during his brief tenure at army intelligence, Chirinos learned of the existence of a death squad under the direction of Vladimiro Montesinos. This death squad was responsible for the massacres at La Cantuta and Barrios Altos. Fearing that the existence of a death squad would inevitably embarrass the army, Chirinos urged that it be disbanded. Montesinos, however, ordered that it remain intact. Robles goes on to claim that Chirinos was dismissed as head of army intelligence after making this recommendation. Chirinos, in statements published in Lima newspapers denies that he spoke to Robles about La Cantuta, or the existence of a death squad connected with Montesinos. The large section excised at the end of this document might possibly reveal embassy commentary on the validity of these claims.
Document 5: DEA Report of Investigation, Corrupt Officials, Sensitive, August 27, 1996, 1 p.
The Drug Enforcement Agency begins investigations into accusations by drug trafficker Demetrio Chavez-Penaherra (aka “Vaticano”) that Montesinos accepted $50,000 a month in bribes. This document notes that Montesinos was a well-known defense lawyer for narco-traffickers before becoming Fujimori’s advisor. This document not only reveals that the DEA was investigating Montesinos for these specific charges, but that they also had a previous file on him prior to this investigation.
Document 6: Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center, Counterintelligence Periodic Summary [Extract], Peruvian Intelligence Service Accused of Political Espionage, December 16, 1996, Secret, 3 pp.
This document describes an overseas SIN intelligence network, managed by Vladimiro Montesinos and staffed by 17 retired military officers, whose objective is to monitor the activities of opposition elements abroad. This network is active in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, South Korea and the US and responds directly to “presidential requirements” including “weapons acquisitions and disinformation”.
Document 7: U.S. Southern Command Information Paper, Purpose: To Inform the [Commander-in-Chief] on the Validity of General Robles’s Allegations against Montesinos, January 6, 1997, Classification Unknown, 1 p.
This document once again exposes allegations regarding Montesinos’s relation to the “La Colina” death squad, which employs tactics of torture and extra-judicial executions. It also notes that Montesinos has been compared to sinister figures such as “Rasputin, Darth Vadar, Torquemada and Cardinal Richelieu.”
Document 8: U.S. Southern Command Biographic Sketch, Vladimiro Montesinos Torres, August 5, 1996, Classification Unknown, 2 pp.
This is the full version of the heavily excised document used as a header for this briefing book. It clearly reveals the large amount of material already being withheld from the public.
National Security Archive, Suite 701, Gelman Library, The George Washington University, 2130 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20037 - Phone: 202/994-7000 - Fax: 202/994-7005 - nsarchiv@gwu.edu