ü Press conference will take place in the exclusive Peruvian restaurant La Mar on April 10th, 2:00 pm.
ü Peru's gran gastronomy fair expects to receive public from five continents and double the number of attendees from PCW 2011
At the heart of Manhattan, particularly in the stunning restaurant LA MAR, now one of the best examples of Peruvian cuisine in the United States, will give start on Tuesday, April 10th, to the countdown to the opening of the second edition of Peruvian Cuisine for the World PCW 2012 and PERU Bar Show, to take place in the city of North Bergen on May 5thand 6th.
Indeed, in about 25 days the successful Peruvian food fair will open its doors to the public from all five continents who reside in the northeastern United States, primarily in the so-called Tri-State Area, which includes a great number of communities and associations made up of American citizens of foreign origin.
This edition is expected to offer a significant percentage of Peru's more than 500 symbolic dishes, not counting the thousands of dishes prepared in the Peruvian territory thanks to the enormous diversity of products produced in Peru. "On the coast alone there are some 2,500 types of soups and 250 traditional desserts that have been identified. Have you ever wondered how many dishes could be prepared only with the 4 thousand varieties of potato that Peru produces," said the president of PCW, Heidi Castrillón.
In PCW 2012 the public can enjoy the renowned Peruvian ceviche made with the unique lime produced in northern Peru, a traditional lomo saltado, or a papa a la huancaína; as well as Lima's causa, also prepared from pressed potato.
The list is endless, but here are some like aji de gallina, carapulcra, cau-cau, escabeche, dry beef with beans, tacu tacu, fried rice, kebabs, ocopa a la arequipeña, stuffed hot pepper, among other dishes that will be presented with the iconic Pisco Sour and Pisco Chilcano at the press conference to announce the beginning of PCW 2012.
"The purpose of PCW is to promote and share the best of Peruvian cuisine and Pisco, which is beginning to gain its expected place in the American market. We also want to present the many opportunities for investment and tourism that Peru offers the world," Castrillón said. She noted that like in 2011, PCW will host prominent chefs, bartenders, restaurant owners, representatives of hotel chains- including the prestigious Ritz; as well as companies involved in marketing products and supplies that make Peruvian cuisine so unique.
The fair projects- she reports- to double the number of attendees received last year that came from different cities in New Jersey and New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Washington.
Master cooking classes will be offered during PCW by renowned chefs and there will be contests with prizes for "Best ceviche", "Best regional food", and "Best Peruvian food mix", informed PCW's president.
Press Conference Location: 11 Madison Av. Manhattan – New York
MEDIA REGISTRATION 516-647-3256, 201-776-2560, or at 646-4074812