
Showing posts from October 12, 2016

THE WORST IS YET TO COME: Presidential debate Second Round: Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump:

Presidential debate Second Round: Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump THE WORST IS YET TO COME By: Enrique Soria La Diáspora Latino Magazine Anyone will argue that the current political debate has become a real eyesore. Insults right and left, lurid intimacies, strings of lies thrown on purpose and a host of inaccuracies that do not stand up under scrutiny, have put aside political proposals and economic proposals that everyone expects two candidates for presidency the United States. We all know who is primarily responsible for such a mess that has put the political agenda at the level of brawling barroom, and we all know that the break between Donald Trump and barons (and Baronesses) Republican Party is due to the basic fact of survival, that is because he is not supported because the mogul threatens the existence of the party in the House of Representatives and the Senate, which added to a defeat in November leads to a real catastrophe. But the candidate for th...

Debate Presidencial Segundo Round Clinton vs Trump LO PEOR ESTA POR VENIR

Debate Presidencial Segundo Round Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump LO PEOR ESTA POR VENIR Escribe: Enrique Soria La Diaspora Latino Digital Magazine Nadie pone en discusión que el actual debate político se ha convertido en un verdadero esperpento. Insultos a diestra y siniestra, escabrosas intimidades, sartas de mentiras lanzadas a propósito y un cúmulo de inexactitudes que no resisten el menor análisis, han dejado de lado las propuestas políticas y los planteamientos económicos que todo el mundo espera de dos candidatos a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos. Todos sabemos quién es el principal responsable de semejante relajo que ha puesto la agenda política a nivel de reyerta de cantina, y todos sabemos que la ruptura entre Donald Trump y los barones (y baronesas) del Partido Republicano se debe al elemental hecho de sobrevivencia, es decir ya no se le respalda porque el magnate pone en peligro la existencia del partido en la Cámara de Representantes y en el Se...