
Showing posts from February 17, 2017


  TRUMP AND ITS FIRST THIRTY DAYS Controversial Executive Orders in the White Revolution The Diaspora @ Enrique Soria The government of Donald Trump is about to complete a month of management and the tsunami that has caused not only in the United States but in the world is of such a magnitude that its effects are seen not only immediately but will feel in months or perhaps years . However, it has been enough for the first 30 days to accumulate its first four severe defeats: the cuts took red card to its executive orders, had to accept that the relations with China go through to recognize "a single China", to dismiss to its adviser National Security and, last but not least, having to confront the intelligence services that filtered people around him with figures of the Russian government, and thus demonstrate that they distrust the president to give him sensitive information. Too much for not even time. But if the Russian affair has oversh...


TT TRUMP Y SUS PRIMEROS TREINTA DIAS TRUMP Y SUS PRIMEROS TREINTA DIAS Controversiales órdenes ejecutivas en la revolución blanca La Diaspora @ Enrique Soria   El gobierno de Donald Trump está por cumplir un mes de gestión y el tsunami que ha provocado no solo en los Estados Unidos sino en el mundo es de tal magnitud que sus efectos se ven no solo de manera inmediata sino se sentirán en meses o acaso años. Sin embargo, le ha bastado esos primeros 30 días para acumular sus primeras cuatro severas derrotas: las cortes le sacaron tarjeta roja a sus órdenes ejecutivas, tuvo que aceptar que las relaciones con China pasan por reconocer "una sola China", despedir a a su asesor de Seguridad Nacional y por último, y lo más grave, tener que afrontar a los servicios de inteligencia que filtraron a gente de su entorno con figuras del gobierno ruso, y por ende demostrar que desconfían del presidente como para entregarle información sensible. Demasia...