
Showing posts from April 5, 2012

The effects of Domestic Violence on Latino Children

The effects of Domestic Violence on Latino Children J orge Yeshayahu Gonzales-Lara Sociologist, MA; CASAC-T "Families under stress produce children under stress. If a spouse is being abused and there are children in the home, the children are affected by the abuse."   (Ackerman and Pickering, 1989) D omestic violence in the Latino community must be understood within the context occurs. A legacy of multiple oppression;  some dating back to centuries , such as poverty, discrimination , racism, colonization, classism, and homophobia. Requires that domestic violence is not seen as a uni-dimensional phenomenon . This important social problem that requires research, policy , advocacy and services are implemented with an understanding of how to weave the social forces that underlie domestic violence in the family and Latino community.  It is estimated that between 40 and 60 % of men who abuse women also abuse children Domesti...