
Showing posts from May 26, 2020

Creativity and the Product Concept

Creativity and the Product Concept Reading Review Jorge Yeshayahu Gonzales-Lara, Sociology MA Marketing The generation of concepts, the obtaining of ideas, is the most critical step in the whole process. Started with a set of customer needs and target specifications, the process concludes with a variety of product alternatives from which a final product is selected. There are several steps involved in the process of generating the generic concept. The essay reviews the perspectives of the product concept and the new product, and the inputs to have a new viable product concept. Creativity and product concept, to create new product concepts, and routes: technology, end user, team, other experts and other external. The inputs required by the creation process in which the form is described, the technology and the source by which the form was achieved. This article reviews the main forms in the generation of customer need concepts. Introduction Creativity as a s...

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility has a great impact on society Corporate Social Responsibility Jorge Yeshayahu Gonzales-Lara, Sociology, MA Marketing Corporate social responsibility has a great impact on society in the process of globalization of the market. Corporate social responsibility is a self-regulated business model that helps a company to be socially responsible, before itself, its stakeholders, the public and society. When practicing a corporate social responsibility company, companies can be aware of the type of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental. The practice of CSR means that, in the normal course of business, a company operates in a way that improves society and the environment, instead of contributing negatively to it. Since the 1960s, Corporate Social Responsibility has attracted the attention of a variety of companies and stakeholders. A wide variety of definitions have been develope...