La Explotación infantil y el abuso contra la niñez en el Perú La Explotación infantil y el abuso contra la niñez en el Perú y la necesidad de la Reforma del Estado Peruano Child exploitation and abuse against children in Peru and the need for reform of the Peruvian State Child exploitation in Peru is a fact that afflicts about 2 million children in Peru, and presented increasingly alarming. These boys and girls ages 4 to 16 years of age work in micro enterprises, informal workshops, family tents, Gamarra textile factories, domestic service, selling newspapers, candy sales, car care, carrying loads, children clowns, boy singers, conductors of minibuses, shoeshine boys, child prostitution, "work" child domestic washing gold mining, stone crushers, pickers at landfills, collectors of coca leaf, coca maceration pits, and other farming, brick factory a...